Blog Post of the Day @Rāwhiti School, Term 2, Week 9...

Monday 8th June
Blog Title: Loose Parts Shed
Blogger: Rongo mā Tāne's Studio Blog

What have you been creating at the Loose Parts shed?  Students from Rongo mā Tāne
made a house during Choice and Challenge.  Then they had to work out how to get into the house!  

Tuesday 9th June
Blogger: Chelsey

Today is our first day at Level 1.  Chelsey shares her experience during the lockdown.  

Many students from Tāne Mahuta have shared their lockdown experiences on their blog.  Check out more blogs from the students in Tāne Mahuta click here.

Wednesday 10th June
Blogger: Jessica

Check out Jessica's poem about petals glistening in the afternoon and petals settling on the frosty grass...

Thursday 11th June
Blogger: Jessica

There's been a bit of weeding and digging over in the school garden area.   There's 500 native seedlings!

How to embed Video content on your blog:

Have you been creating video content to share your learning? 

View this slide deck for instructions on how to embed video to your blog.  On slide 12 there is a video with a voice recording.  Note in the video & slide I am using the 'new' Blogging interface.

Friday 12th June

Today's Blog Comment of the Day goes to Skye from Tangaroa.

Skye's Comment...

Skye June 3, 2020 at 1:35 PM
'Hi Anika! I love your slideshow on Benee, she is such an amazing artist and I think she deserves all the attention that she gets. It's cool how you called her 'cruisy and funky' she definitely fits that description! Maybe it could do with a bit more editing (such as, making sure her name is consistent, as in it's mostly Bene but then on one occasion it was Benee. And also adding some punctuation here and there.) Other than that it was awesome. Keep up the good work! :)'

Want to write a quality blog comment like Skye?

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