Bubble Photo Challenge...

I enjoyed completing the Bubble Photo Challenge.  I found most of the items and had my dog, Ruby, follow me around the garden while I took photos.  Ruby is my photo for something 'loud' but she only barks if she hears strange noises.

I decided to add three larger photos under my collage because I really liked the composition.  I tried to get a photo of my cat Cupid.  He's a large cat and weighs around 7kg.  He loves the garden and often spends a lot of time smiling in the garden!  I think he has a bit of a smirk on in the photo.  My something 'spooky' was a clay sculpture my brother made many years ago.  It's a Monster and lives in my garden.  It lost it finger tips a long time ago.  It grows moss and I like how the teeth look a bit blackened.

My brothers clay sculpture...it is very old...this is something spooky!

I wish I had a macro lense on my camera...this was something tiny and a spider...

Cupid who loves the garden...

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