Cross-Country....Running like Chariot's of Fire....

Yesterday we went to the beach to have the cross-country. I saw a dead fish. I heard the waves crashing on each other. I felt worried at first. There was sand there, it was good. When I finished there were drinks at the end. Luke
Yesterday I ran the cross-country. I came last though. When I was running my heart was beating, my hair flew everything. I saw a dead fish and I felt nervous. I couldn't feel my legs. I got sand between my toes, it felt gross! When I was almost there I heard cheering. When I got to the end I got a drink. It was really watery juice and I watched the seniors go. Holly
I was in the lead then Jack went past me. Then Connor, Riley D and Aogan went past me as well!  I saw a shark fish. I heard crashing waves. I felt the sand and it tasted like salt. The hardest thing was running up the sand dunes. Leyam
Yesterday our whole school walked to the beach, but QE2 base bused. We went there for the cross-country, we had to do it. When we started we were the firs group up. It was so hard and I was tired. I felt my heart pounding. I saw people cheering. It smelt like dead fish and I heard the sea crashing. I was sweating so much that I wanted to stop...but I didn't stop! I was so hot and it was high tide. It almost got me. We had to go up the step sand dune. Tristan

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  1. What a lovely day to go running along the beach!

  2. rely fit oli b3

  3. ran the most of time oli B3

  4. You all did so well, it was a long way and really hard to run on that soft sand. Great job for all getting in there and giving it a go.

  5. good job byron wer you puft out after

  6. good runing get realy fit from ashton b3
