Our Learning Spaces in the Beach House...

This year B.3 made signs for the class.  In the Beach House we have three classrooms.  We are called the Whale pool.  In our classroom we have two quiet rooms.  One is called the Shark's mouth and the other is called the Surf Hut.  We do our art on the sand bar.  All three classrooms do maths and singing together.  In our class we have a door that leads to the Wave room.  

Willow, Nikkita, Lily, Ocean and I made the Beach House sign.  Brodie and Jack made the Shark's mouth sign.  Rilee, Matteo and Leyam made the Surf Hut sign.  Bailey made a jelly fish.  

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  1. The signs are looking great. Well done for coming up with so many beach 'themed' areas and names.

  2. Bailey I like your jellyfish design I think it looks great next to the Beach House sign. Elizabeth

  3. The most thing that i liked was making the beach house sign, i liked the jellyfish that people made and painted on the cardboard. Riley
