We’re going on a Bear Hunt, Te Haere ki te Rapu Pea @Rāwhiti School...

Bear hunts have been popular during our lockdown time. What’s in your window?

Student Blog Challenge: write a blog post to share what you’ve got in your window.

Some of you may have a bear, some may have a soft toy. Tell us about your bear/soft toy and see if you can include a photo.

Title your blog post: 'We're going on a Bear Hunt' or 'Te Haere ki te Rapu Pea'

Students who use SeeSaw: share your photo on SeeSaw. I know we can't all view individual SeeSaw accounts but I can copy the photos and collate them to share.


Send your photo to Elizabeth K: elizabeth@rawhiti.school.nz I will then collate all photos to share for the Bear Hunt.

We can all go on a Bear Blog Hunt together!

Students - If you can’t remember your blog address go to - https://www.rawhiti.school.nz/our-learning/blogs/ and click on your studio blog picture. Login in with your student email and password.

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, Te Haere ki te Rapu Pea @Rāwhiti School on Friday 24th April.

Check out Rāwhiti Library Voice.

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