Making of the Beebot Adventure...

In Term 2 junior students at Rāwhiti School where given the scenario....the Beebots are tired of traveling on the old roads we have.  Design a new place for Beebots to visit...

Children worked with a buddy or in small group to design and create their roads.  These roads took many hours and alot of effort from students.

What a variety of roads we had!  Some children used rulers, some pieces of card to make sure their roads were ride enough for the Beebots to drive down.  We had a variety of places the Beebots could visit.  This ranged from Tauroa (QE 2), a Bank, Police station and Toy shop.  

While the students were busy making their roads I thought we could even take this activity even further.  What about some tasks cards.  Tasks that students had to do on each road.  For example, programme your Beebot to go to the bank and get $100 000 dollars.  

Then the activity got extended even further.  I was lucky enough to work with a group of students who started to design trailers for Beebots.  They made prototypes of trailers and then they used Tinkercad to help design their trailers. There were a lot of problems, like the 3D printer warping.  Next year when we get a new 3D printer we hope to print better quality trailers.

To view our finished documentary called the Beebot's Adventure click here.

The Pass-Bot Advert...

The challenge for the Digi Group was to teach children some important facts about creating a 'strong' password and how to protect your password.  They only had 45 seconds to do this!

What part did you enjoy the most?

The Pass-Bot Filming...

After many hours of research, planning, creating all the artworks it was time for filming.  It was all hands on deck with the realization you could be sniffing your buddy's armpits for a few minutes...

The students organised all the props and got the robots ready for the set.  The most important thing was to check the storyboard to make sure each robot had the right pair of underpants on!  It took a couple of days to film The Pass-Bot and about four days to edit and record the voices.

To find out more about the Adverts visit the Digi Group's blogs:


The Pass-Bot Artworks...

After the storyboard had been drafted it was time for the Digi Group to start designing the robots for the backdrops.  They used a collage technique to add layers and texturize the robots, backdrops, and props.

We had some very skilled students designing props. Zoe created the washing machine.  Joanna and Milly had the idea to re-use an old Macbook and paint this for the prop in the advert.  Logan sketched the iBot phone and Mikayla then made this prop.

There was a lot of gluing in the library space and an aroma of PVA glue!

Planning the Pass-Bot...

In Term 2 a group of children from Tangaroa attended the Digi Awards workshop.  During the workshop, they listed all the things they could explore based on our school theme of 'Identity.'  This ranged from ideas about our school values to how we look after our digital identity.  After a lot of discussions and further exploration, it was decided the group would explore how to be cybersmart.

To check they were on the right track they surveyed groups of children from each studio.  I created a google site that had relevant information for the students to explore and they used docs to share their ideas.

During the planning stage, they came up with three possible adverts.  One about how to make a 'strong' passwords, one about your digital footprint and one advert to promote your wellbeing if you are a gamer.

Below are some of the ideas the students had about their password ad.  Many of them didn't make it to the final storyboard and a lot did!

Slicing and dicing each group's storyboard to come up with one draft storyboard...
The Digi Group thought we could use walking fingers...but then how would be stick underpants on?

Prototype of The Pass-Bot...
Some of the final storyboard for the Pass-Bot...
To find out more about the Adverts visit the Digi Group's blogs:


Digital Footprint advert...

After completing their survey they found out a lot of students at Rāwhiti School were on Instagram and some younger students didn't know how to look after their digital footprint.

This was the research that inspired the second advert the Digi Group made about our digital footprint. They watched the video's from the Manaiakalani site about being Cybersmart.  I made a google site that had links for the Digi Group (Year 7 & 8 students) to carry out some research.

At the start none of the group knew what it meant to keep your digital footprint 'clean' and the impact this could have for their future.

This advert was filmed down at New Brighton Beach - we took a photo near the shipwrecked boat!

Read more on Lewi's blog - click here.